Campaign cartographer 3 view
Campaign cartographer 3 view

campaign cartographer 3 view

  • Produce maps in response to ProFantasy Challenges.
  • Produce maps of my own world for my own use.
  • Learn to read, interpret and modify symbol properties.
  • Learn to read, interpret and use the Command line.
  • Learn and understand the difference between Layers, Sheets and Views.
  • Learn the purpose and use of each button.
  • Learn the purpose and use of each menu item.
  • These tasks and objectives do not need to be accomplished in order but they should all be accomplished before moving on to Journeyman. Thankfully, we have lots of access to resources from which to learn: community forums, manuals, built-in help, etc. Unfortunately, I’m not aware of any Fantasy Cartography Masters currently accepting Apprentices. In medieval times, an Apprentice was paired with an accomplished Master who could teach them what they needed to know. Learning the fundamental tools, skills, knowledge and lore of Fantasy Map-Making is the goal of the Apprentice. Just because I’m an “Apprentice” does not mean I won’t try to learn and succeed at “Journeyman” tasks. These phases are not hard-and-fast and the borders between them are somewhat fuzzy. Each phase has its own list of criteria that must be satisfied before I will consider the phase complete. The learning plan is divided into three phases: Apprentice, Journeyman, and Master. A workshop of artisans: masters, journeyman and apprentices. As I go through the various materials, I’ll describe my experiences and pass on to you any lessons or tips I learn along the way. The approach I’m going to take to learn CC3+ is to expand upon the suggested “course” of study laid out by Ralf Schemmann in the ProFantasy Community Forum “Support Resources” topic. Like any serious traveler, I’ll keep a record of my journey – which you can read here. I’m hoping I’ll learn of short-cuts along the way but, even if I don’t, at least I have a strategy to follow. Figuring out the best path to follow in order to get to my final destination. That is what this learning plan is about. Most importantly, a good map can help you to know when you are off-track so you can find your way back to where you need to be. With a good map, you know or can more easily prepare for what might be coming next. Which, if you think about it, is just another kind of map.Ī good map provides a framework that supports and bounds a story. To make the most of the time I do have, I put together this Learning Plan.

    campaign cartographer 3 view

    At least I have a map that will help me find my way. I also don’t know how long it is actually going to take. I have to admit that, while I have a hope, I’m not entirely sure where I’ll actually end up on this journey.

    campaign cartographer 3 view

    Between obligations to both family and clients, the amount of freetime I have to learn is somewhat limited. You step onto the road, and if you don’t keep your feet, there’s no knowing where you might be swept off to.” “It’s a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your door. “The Road goes ever on and on, down from the door where it began…” Something that allows you to focus on the story you are trying to tell about the heroes within it and not on the resources needed to support it. I want to create something that you cannot notuse – a regional map, battlemap, city, dungeon, inn, anything! I want to create something that inspires you. Compose beautiful maps (like, Michael Schley and Pär Lindström beautiful) and eventually see my maps make their way onto your dining room table amid your bags of funny-shaped dice. I want to master it- become an expert in it.

    campaign cartographer 3 view

    I don’t just want to learn Campaign Cartographer.

    Campaign cartographer 3 view